Since 1998 Franki Construct has been part of Willemen Groep, the largest family construction group in Belgium.

Blending plant Q8 - Hoboken
Phase 1
° Empty Pack Warehouse
° Storage place for tanks
° Steel construction with concrete prefab panels, with pattern
° Spans from 35 m
° Cellular concrete firewall
Phase 2
° Blending Plant
° Storage warehouse comprising a steel superstructure with architectural concrete panels and firewalls
° Buffer tanks: 90,000 litres with revetment
° Blending Building: office building, laboratory, electrical substation, compressor house   and production space with 16 tanks
The building is a steel construction with diamond-shaped concrete façade panels and 120-minute fire-resistance
° Additive tank area: impermeable bund for 42 tanks
° Day tank area: impermeable bund for 32 tanks
° Stock tank area with foundations for 27 tanks
° 6,500 m³ Concrete poured on-site, fitted with steel reinforcement
° Fire-proofing: 8,500 m²
Phase 3
° Extension of the Empty Pack Warehouse, a steel construction
° Extension of the Blending Building, a steel construction
° New Additive Warehouse: a concrete prefab structure
° Road and infrastructure works: 2,000 m².