Willemen Construct came into being on 1 July 2018 as a result of the merger between Willemen General Contractor and the construction department of Kumpen.
Railway infrastructure works -...
Construction railway bed for line L50B,...

Railway signal tower - Courtray
Construction of a signalling centre for the...
RAC Belair - Brussels
The State Administrative Centre (RAC), close to the well-known Finance Tower, has been the new headquarters of the Federal Police since March 2014. After intensive asbestos removal, the façades, the superstructure, and the interior were demolished. The building itself has been expanded by two storeys and the five-storey car park has also been renovated. In the realisation of the new façades, a great deal of attention was paid to the preservation of the postmodern architectural character of the building. The new superstructure with its neutral, dark façade provides a lovely contrast.
Project Details
Pachecolaan, Brussel, Brussels, Belgium
Breevast Development Belgium, Immobel
End User
Federale Politie
Jaspers-Eyers & Partners
Temporary partnership
Willemen General Contractor, Kumpen, Cordeel, Louis De Waele
Engineering Office
VK Engineering-Civil & Structural (stabiliteit), TPF Engineering (technieken), Venac (akoestiek)
Surface area above ground
87 000m²
Surface area subterranean
20 000m²
Special features
Construction period
2 years 8 months
Start work
End of work