Willemen Construct came into being on 1 July 2018 as a result of the merger between Willemen General Contractor and the construction department of Kumpen.

Campus PXL - Hasselt
In Hasselt, we realised a new campus building for Hogeschool PXL in the DBM formula. The new building of 7,300 m² houses the arts and computer sciences courses and the PXL-MAD School of Arts has also been given a new location.
In the design, maximum account was taken of the requirements of the various courses. One of the eye-catchers in the building is the centrally located, double-height exhibition space. The tower volume contains the majority of the theory classrooms and a darkroom for photo and video recordings. The focus is on user experience, virtual and augmented reality. We also organised the relocation of the art school's installations to a temporary location and then to the new building. We will also be responsible for maintenance for the next 20 years.