


Hotels, schools, office or apartment buildings, company headquarters, recreational centres, sport halls, elements of public, religious or private patrimony, social housing, showrooms …;

Franki is an important name in the construction sector, and unites numerous professional domains in various activities:

  • the construction of public and residential buildings;
  • the construction of homes and offices;
  • the construction of industrial halls;
  • the restoration of protected buildings;
  • renovations.

civil engineering

This very diverse group of professional domains is concretely applied to:

  • the building of engineering structures: tunnels, bridges, viaducts, dams etc.;
  • the repair of concrete;
  • water purification via the construction of water treatment plants;
  • industrial work for large, usually international groups.

After being active for a long time on a global scale, the company opted for a strategic reorientation of its activities a few years ago. Today Franki is active in the Walloon and Brussels-Capital Region, with equally strong ambitions in the immediately adjoining regions such as Northern France and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.