Willemen Construct handles many projects under building team agreements (‘bouwteam’). To this end, a separate unit was created in 2010, in which all involved employees combine forces for these projects and competitions. We actively participate in the preparatory study group, and make our years of experience and competent people available to the building team members, in all phases of the project.
Optimum preparations
At a very early stage in your project, we participate in the study group and, together with you, coordinate the technical implementation, budget control and the work schedule. The continuous fine-tuning of the project and the synergy with the other building team members (client, advisers, architects and engineering offices) ensures optimum preparations.
Your benefits
You win time:
We shorten not only the period between obtaining the building permit and starting work, but also your project's overall completion time.
You win money:
We avoid long tender procedures with known disadvantages such as budget overruns, scheduling conflicts and difficult contract negotiations. Since almost all bottlenecks are discussed in the study phase, much fewer surprises surface during execution.
You win quality:
We discuss possible problems in the execution beforehand in the study group, and anticipate these by addressing the roots of the problems with high-quality solutions.