Since 1998 Franki Construct has been part of Willemen Groep, the largest family construction group in Belgium.
Railway infrastructure works...
Installation of new railway bed in the...

Clarenhof - Malines
The Clarenhof is named after the former...
Railway infrastructure works - Uccle
The project consisted of infrastructure work along the track bed platform where railway lines L124 and L26 intersect. Several bridge decks were renovated and noise barriers installed, including 2,000 m² of green walls. For the Moensberg station at Uccle, new platforms have been built. Simultaneous with these main works diverse road, bedding, demolition, earth- and sewerage works were performed.
Some figures:
- Earthworks: 50,500 m³.
- Steel delivered: 680 tonnes.
- Concrete TPG: 8,800 m³.
Project Details
Horzelstraat 300, Ukkel, Brussels, Belgium
Engineering Office
TUC Rail
Construction period
3 years 5 months
Start work
End of work