Willemen Construct came into being on 1 July 2018 as a result of the merger between Willemen General Contractor and the construction department of Kumpen.

City Gate - Anderlecht
Development, commercialisation and...
Techspace Aéro-Safran (Building 5...
Construction of building 5 (hall, offices...
Police station - Ostend
The new police station in Ostend is nearly energy neutral and equipped with the latest security and communication gadgets. During the construction of the police station, Willemen Construct extensively applied BIM and LEAN. The BIM cell integrated the different BIM models of the designers into one model from which the necessary information for the execution was extracted. In this way, the model was concretely used to generate measurement statements, progress statements and work plans. The police station is the new workplace for 270 police officers. In addition to the construction, we were also responsible for the design and financing of the project (DBF).
03/02/2020 - 16:45
02/07/2018 - 10:00
28/11/2017 - 17:15
22/02/2017 - 10:00
Project Details
Lijndraaiersstraat, Oostende, West-Vlaanderen, Belgium
Autonoom Gemeentebedrijf Grond – en Bouwbeleid
End User
Politie Oostende
Architectenbureau Van Acker & Partners
De Smet-Vermeulen Architecten
Temporary partnership
Willemen General Contractor, Democo
Construction period
2 years 5 months
Start work
End of work