Since 1998 Franki Construct has been part of Willemen Groep, the largest family construction group in Belgium.
Maison des Hommes - Flémalle
Construction of 48 passive social housing...
China Belgium Technology Center -...
Construction of an office complex, a 162-...
Malting plant Dingemans - Stabroek
Since 1875, this malting plant has been processing grain, barley and wheat into typical malt that is used in special beers such as Westmalle, Westvleteren, Rochefort, Duvel, but also in baking. In Stabroek, we helped build the drastic expansion of the malting plant. The work specifically required particularly technically sophisticated expertise. The concrete walls of the sprout boxes (9 by 9.5 metres), for instance, could only show a deviation of maximum 1.5 mm.
Project Details
Laageind 43, Stabroek, Antwerpen, Belgium
Mouterij Dingemans
Engineering Office
Construction period
1 year
Start work
End of work