Since 1998 Franki has been part of Willemen Groep, the largest family construction group in Belgium.

CHU Mont Godinne - Yvoir
Partial renovation of 2 wings of the existing hospital.
CHU Dinant Godinne renovated its three intensive care units on the Godinne site. To alleviate a situation of chronic bed overcrowding and in view of the increase in the number of patients undergoing major operations (including lung transplants), the renovation of the unit was an opportunity to set up a new intensive care unit. This renovation of the ward was thus the occasion to create a new structure: unit C. In reality, this unit existed before it was replaced by unit D, which opened in 2005. Having served as a buffer during the renovation of Units A and B, Unit C was in turn renovated to accommodate additional beds. Initially, the six beds in unit C will be open only on weekdays. If the need arises in the future, a 7-day opening may be considered.
The intensive care unit at the Godinne site now has 30 beds suitable for adult medical and post-operative patients who have undergone high-risk surgery or have significant co-morbidities.