Willemen Construct came into being on 1 July 2018 as a result of the merger between Willemen General Contractor and the construction department of Kumpen.

Evence Coppéelaan - Genk
Met de werken aan de Evence Coppéelaan komt...

Koning Boudewijnlaan - Hasselt
Koning Boudewijnlaan will be renewed across...
Meru - Vlodrop (NL)
For the MERU Foundation (Maharishi European Research University), we are constructing 3 new buildings on their campus in Vlodrop. Meru is a campus in the Netherlands that offers courses, retreats and events to the global Transcendental Meditation community.
The 3 buildings will be erected simultaneously. They are:
- MERU operating building: a facility building for support services;
- MERU resident building: a residential building with 72 studios;
- MERU apartment building: a complex with 29 flats.
Project Details
Station 24, Vlodrop, Limburg, Netherlands
MERU Stichting
Engelman Architecten
Kern architecten
Start work