Laënnec Tower - Woluwe-Saint-Lambert

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The new Health Tower was erected on the UCL site in Woluwe. This building houses, among others, the General Practitioners' Post (HWP) and biomedical research laboratories. An extension of the Harvey Tower, the Health Tower completes the series of towers of the Faculties of Medicine and Pharmacy on the UCL campus. Its location on Avenue Hippocrates, the main entrance to the University Hospitals St-Luc, ensures that this will be the new face of UCL to the public, which is why quality architecture was resolutely chosen here.

The building was designed based on the façade structure and the almost square ground plan of the existing towers. It is an extension of the walkway that links the existing towers and gives them a connection to the street. The concept emphasises the values of the UCL and also encourages an energetic renovation of the surrounding buildings.

Thanks to simple but highly sustainable techniques, the Tower is also a passive building with a very rational use of energy.

Since 1998 Franki has been part of Willemen Groep, the largest family construction group in Belgium.


Project Details

Avenue Hippocrate , Woluwe-Saint-Lambert, Brussels, Belgium
UCL (Université Catholique de Louvain) , GTPW (Gestion technique du patrimoine de Woluwé)
End User 
Modulo Architects
Engineering Office 
Ellyps, BE Lemaire
Construction period
2 years 1 month
Start work
End of work