Willemen Construct came into being on 1 July 2018 as a result of the merger between Willemen General Contractor and the construction department of Kumpen.

Police station and fire brigade...
Design and construction of offices for all...

Schools of Tomorrow - Merksem
A new building was constructed for Vrije...
Schools of Tomorrow - Borsbeek
The Gesubsidieerde Vrije Basisschool and the Sint-Jozefinstituut in Borsbeek were faced with a double problem. There was a severe lack of space and the school buildings were very dilapidated. That is why we decided to demolish the old school and build two new buildings in its place. One of the buildings is the new school building for all secondary education. It has an area of 7,023 m² and can accommodate 850 students. The second building houses the cafeteria and a 982 m² sports/polytechnic hall for the primary school. In addition to these two buildings, there is also a technical room with the distribution cabin and the meters for the utilities.
27/01/2016 - 14:15
Project Details
de Robianostraat 11, Borsbeek, Antwerpen, Belgium
Scholen van Morgen
L&A Architects-Engineers
Temporary partnership
Willemen General Contractor, Cordeel
Surface area above ground
8 044m²
Construction period
1 year 6 months
Start work
End of work