GO! campus Ruggeveld - Deurne


Franki Construct is converting an existing school building into a pupil guidance centre (Centrum voor Leerlingenbegeleiding - CLB), an adult education centre (Centrum voor Volwassenenonderwijs - CVO) and an open learning centre (Open Leercentrum - OLC).

The project comprises the following works:

  • Demolition of existing surroundings
  • Complete stripping of the interior of the existing building: 6 storeys with a floor space of  7,500m². The façades and exterior joinery are retained.
  • All-new interior trim
  • The new development portion to the façade has a crawl space and a ground floor with a surface area of 500m². This new development consists of a foundation on steel, prefab columns, hollow-core slabs and a canopy consisting of a streel structure.
  • Technical installations: sanitary facilities, HVAC, electricity and 1 lift
  • Surrounding area of 11,000m²



Since 1998 Franki Construct has been part of Willemen Groep, the largest family construction group in Belgium.



Project Details

Ruggeveldlaan 471, Deurne, Antwerpen, Belgium
GO! onderwijs van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap
Grosfeld van der Velde
Boonen Michielsens
Engineering Office 
Studie 10
Construction period
1 year 1 month
Start work
End of work