Willemen Infra is a leading, Belgian road construction company with a regional presence in both Flanders and Wallonia. An important asset is that we have all aspects of the construction process under our own management and thus fully control the execution. Moreover, our team of 1,000 well-trained and experienced employees are willing to work at night and over the weekend to make sure they get everything done in time. In addition, thanks to our own COPRO-certified production and recycling sites, we are one of the leading producers for asphalt and road concrete.

New ring road & railway bypass - Mechelen
Since spring 2019, the Mechelen station project has been busy working on the connection of the Tangent to the N15 at Nekkerhal and the completion of the new connecting road. The shell construction of the Tangent was already completed in 2018 by a consortium in which Franki Construct was also already part of. Over the past few years, work has been done on new intersections, bicycle and footpaths and several bicycle tunnels and bridges. It is a job that Franki Construct and Willemen Infra tackled together.
The Tangent is 2.6 km long and should relieve both the station area and the Mechelen ring road (R12) and provide smoother through traffic. At the end of 2021, the new connection for pedestrians and cyclists was put into operation. This safe and comfortable route along the Tangent connects the bicycle routes to Antwerp and Brussels. Earlier, an underground car park for 2,000 cars was commissioned and the railway bypass was realised. The Tangent and Margaret Tunnel (755 metres) were opened to traffic in early July 2022.
Since 1998 Franki Construct has been part of Willemen Groep, the largest family construction group in Belgium.