Since 1998 Franki has been part of Willemen Groep, the largest family construction group in Belgium.

Emergency call center - Vottem
Construction of a 112 emergency call center and a laboratory for the Federal Police.
This contract is the first phase of a large-scale project for the rehabilitation / regrouping of the Federal Police services located in Rue Verte Voie in Vottem (approx. 26,000m² net of buildings to be constructed for the entire masterplan project, approx. 6,000m² net for phase 1).
The design and construction of: a 112 emergency call centre (approx. 4,000m² net primary area, including a communications centre of more than 800m²), a laboratory for the Federal Police (approx. 2,000m² net primary area, including more than 100m² of micro-trace rooms) and various parking areas. The design and development (within the limits of this phase of the project) of: roadways, surroundings, etc.