Since 1998 Franki Construct has been part of Willemen Groep, the largest family construction group in Belgium.

Johnny Ronaldobrug - Muizen
Demolition of the existing bridge and...
Metro station Toots Thielemans -...
In the centre of Brussels, we are building...
Drinking water tank - Asse
Construction of a cylindrical concrete drinking water reservoir with an inner diameter of 38.4 m, a wall (via sliding formwork) with a thickness of 45 cm and a height of 16.5 m, including surrounding construction.
This project is a necessary part of the Aqueduct project that optimises drinking water supply in East and West Flanders. It is a collaboration between De Watergroep, Water-Link and TMVW to meet the demand of the Flemish government to better align production and consumption and strengthen security of supply. The new digester forms an extra buffer to cope with peak consumption or problems in the production and supply of drinking water.
Project Details
Gentsesteenweg, Asse, Vlaams Brabant, Belgium
Tussengemeentelijke Maatschappij der Vlaanderen voor Watervoorziening (TMVW)
Start work