Willemen Infra is a leading, Belgian road construction company with a regional presence in both Flanders and Wallonia. An important asset is that we have all aspects of the construction process under our own management and thus fully control the execution. Moreover, our team of 1,000 well-trained and experienced employees are willing to work at night and over the weekend to make sure they get everything done in time. In addition, thanks to our own COPRO-certified production and recycling sites, we are one of the leading producers for asphalt and road concrete.

Brussels-Central metro station - Brussels
Willemen Infra and Franki Construct are working together on the total renovation and extension of the Brussels Central metro station. The station will be bigger, better lit, more accessible and comfortable. In order to minimise disruption and not interrupt metro traffic, the works will be carried out in several phases.
During the first phase, the reception area at level -1 at the junction between Koloniënstraat and Warandeberg will be lowered. During phase 2, the station on the Ravensteinstraat side will be enlarged. During phase 3, the station will be extended on the Putterijstraat side and the new structure will be connected to the existing station. Renovation of the interior of the station and widening of platforms will take place during the fourth phase.
State-of-the-art techniques
This extensive project is unfolding in a neighbourhood where numerous means of transport intersect. The station is located under an intersection with seven branches, which makes the job particularly complex. Therefore, there are four major phases and state-of-the-art techniques are used. For instance, the walls and roof slab of the station are made first, before being excavated underneath. Thanks to this technique, road traffic can always remain on one side of the road.
The works affecting road traffic should be completed during 2025. This will be followed by the underground works in the station itself. These are scheduled to take around two years.
Since 1998 Franki Construct has been part of Willemen Groep, the largest family construction group in Belgium.