Since 1998 Franki has been part of Willemen Groep, the largest family construction group in Belgium.

RCC Tombeekheyde - Overijse
This dilapidated sanatorium was transformed...

Shopping Center Les Bastions -...
Shopping centre Les Bastions was completely...
Bridge 34 - La Louvière
Infrastructure improvements and replacement of superstructure.
- Two parallel skew bridges, comprising 2 x 6 rebuilt girders with variable inertia (PRS)
- Length: 200 metres, with 2 x 50-metre approach spans and one 100-metre central span over a single waterway
- Width: 2 x 19 metres.
Work involved:
- Removal of asbestos from the structure
- Raising the deck/adjustments/replacement of supports
- Reinforcing the metal structure by adding flat components
- Reconstructing the concrete decking to include cantilevered walkways
- Fixing the bridge in its post-stress position.
Project Details
Rue de la Petite Suisse, La Louviere, Hainaut, Belgium
Sofico, SPW
Start work