Since 1998 Franki Construct has been part of Willemen Groep, the largest family construction group in Belgium.

Viaduct of Boirs - Bassenge
Rebuilding of the A13 motorway viaduct at...

Bastenaken quay - Zeebruges
Extension of Bastenaken quay (2 x 350 m)...
Brabo 1: Depot for trams & infrastructure works - Antwerp
Brabo 1 is a public-private partnership (PPP) executed in a DBFM procedure, in which we not only took care of the construction, but also the design and financing of the project. Moreover, we are responsible for maintenance for the next decades: 35 years for the non-tram section and 25 years for the tram section.
Brabo 1 is the collective name for:
- construction of tram lines Mortsel-Boechout and Deurne-Wijnegem
- construction of a tram depot for 53 trams, an office building and a workshop
- construction of service buildings at the end points of the 2 tram lines with associated Park&Ride, waiting infrastructure and canopies
- construction of traction stations.
In addition, three existing bridges in Mortsel were reinforced and extended to allow tram traffic.
Project Details
August Van De Wielelei, Deurne, Antwerpen, Belgium
THV Silvius
End User
De Lijn - Vlaamse Vervoermaatschappij, Agentschap Wegen en Verkeer
Engineering Office
Stedec, Claeys
Construction period
3 years
Start work
End of work