Since 1998 Franki Construct has been part of Willemen Groep, the largest family construction group in Belgium.

Pedestrian bridge Schijnpoortweg - Antwerp
Franki Construct has built a six-meter wide pedestrian bridge that will provide a safe crossing point between Spoor Oost and the Sportpaleis and Lotto Arena in Antwerp. Thousands of people are set to use this walkway when large events take place at either of these venues.
Works on the project started in October 2018 with the laying of foundations and the construction of the bridge head on the Spoor Oost side. The bridge piers on the side of the water treatment plant and Lobroekdok followed at a later stage. The foundations for the piers next to Schijnpoortweg and Noordersingel were already put in place. In januari 2020 the final bridge pier was installed in between the tram tracks, and the walkway has been opened in may 2020. As the bridge removes the need for pedestrians crossings, vehicle traffic around the area also runs much more smoothly.