Since 1998 Franki has been part of Willemen Groep, the largest family construction group in Belgium.
We know more together than we do alone. That’s why Willemen Groep is happy to share knowledge and expertise at an early stage of construction projects. Looking at various aspects in detail together with collaborators allows us to detect any issues early on, so they can be optimised as we come up with technically feasible and affordable concepts.
Our construction team experience makes Willemen Groep very strong in design, build, finance, maintain and operate (DBFMO) formulas and public-private partnership (PPP) projects. We can offer integrated and customised solutions to any challenge thanks to the combination of our different companies’ specific knowledge and experience. And not just in architectural terms, but also when it comes to long-term maintenance and creative finance solutions.
Willemen Groep doesn’t just participate financially alone in projects; with Willemen Project Finance, it also has the necessary network and knowledge to attract borrowed capital. Working in the construction team requires a huge amount of know-how, expertise and flexibility. And this is what makes our group excel. Our role is primarily a guiding one – as we critically determine and optimise the entire construction project throughout its full lifecycle.
Since 2005, Cosimco has been part of Willemen Groep, the largest family construction group in Belgium.
Since 1998 Franki Construct has been part of Willemen Groep, the largest family construction group in Belgium.
Willemen Construct came into being on 1 July 2018 as a result of the merger between Willemen General Contractor and the construction department of Kumpen.