Since 2005, Cosimco has been part of Willemen Groep, the largest family construction group in Belgium.
Oh!Green - Aarschot
Oh'Green's new site in Aarschot is a pilot shop of Garden Center Holding. Cosimco was responsible for its construction on a site of just over 44,000 m². Due to the conditions imposed by the PRUP, the building was designed lengthwise, parallel to the Diestsesteenweg. Due to the steeply sloping terrain in the first 50 metres from the street, the garden centre was built half underground.
The new building is mainly constructed of concrete columns, beams and vaults. The facades are finished with a combination of concrete, vertical wooden slats and black joinery. Most of the roof consists of a white-painted steel structure on which white profiled roof panels are placed. The rest is constructed as a traditional industrial building with concrete columns and beams. As the existing garden centre had to remain open during the works, the project was divided into two separate construction phases.
Categorie: Gebouwen; Commercieel