Willemen Construct came into being on 1 July 2018 as a result of the merger between Willemen General Contractor and the construction department of Kumpen.
Laënnec Tower - Woluwe-Saint-...
The new Health Tower was erected on the UCL...

Multimodal station - Namur
Namur station – building the Multimodal...
GAZO - Sint-Truiden
GAZO is the redevelopment of the Gazometer site in the neighbourhood of the station. We built a new welfare campus on the wasteland that had been left fallow for many years. This multifunctional complex is entirely dedicated to the child and includes a primary school with a sports hall, a youth centre with a party room, rehearsal rooms, a youth centre with a multipurpose hall, offices for Kind & Gezin (Child & Family) and other services for child welfare, 15 apartments, and an underground car park. We have built the 26,000m² complex with particular attention to nuisance reduction in the busy neighbourhood.
12/11/2018 - 13:45
04/10/2016 - 09:30
Project Details
Gazometerstraat 1-7, Sint-Truiden, Limburg, Belgium
Autonoom Gemeentebedrijf voor de Ontwikkeling van Sint-Truiden
Architecten Achtergael
Temporary partnership
Willemen General Contractor, Democo
Surface area above ground
26 000m²
Construction period
2 years 4 months
Start work
End of work