Since 1998 Franki Construct has been part of Willemen Groep, the largest family construction group in Belgium.

Clean water cellar - Rumst
e built a fully watertight basement here that serves as a storage buffer for drinking water. The drinking water stored here comes from the new treatment plant that has been in service for a few years.
This underground cellar is 130 metres long, 50 metres wide and has a clear height of 3.3 metres. The basement is equipped with two transport channels, eight flow channels and two technical rooms.
Thanks to the continuous flow in the clean water, contamination is out of the question. Precisely for this reason, we built to the strictest waterproofing requirements. The outer walls were then finished in the highest watertightness class.
In addition to being a private distributor, Water-Link is also a supplier to other water companies such as De Watergroep and Farys. Due to increasing demand from these fellow water companies, the existing buffer capacity was no longer sufficient. With the construction of this clean water cellar, Water-Link has therefore increased its
buffer capacity by 12,000 m³ of drinking water. Thanks to the expansion, Water-Link provides sufficient storage capacity for the near future and the treatment plant can run at maximum capacity.