Since 2005, Cosimco has been part of Willemen Groep, the largest family construction group in Belgium.

CAP Den Tir - Bruges
Construction of 48 social apartments.
BO stands for Constructieve Benadering Overheidsopdrachten (constructive approach to public procurement), a public-private partnership in the social housing sector. Cosimco builds according to its own plans and on suitable building sites that it has identified itself (design & build), always in close cooperation with the local housing company. In doing so, Cosimco always complies precisely with the regulations - both financial and technical - of the Flemish Social Housing Corporation (VMSW). In other words, Cosimco takes care of the project from A to Z.
Cosimco has already successfully completed numerous social construction projects in various cities and municipalities, in cooperation with specialised architectural offices and all other players in the construction industry.