Since 1998 Franki has been part of Willemen Groep, the largest family construction group in Belgium.
Residential care centre Résidence...
Design, Build and Finance of a brand new...
Südkreuz Offices - Berlin
Design and build of two buildings with eight...
Cable car - Namur
Construction of a cable car in Namur between Place Maurice Servais in the heart of the city and the Esplanade de la Citadelle. The cable car will span the River Sambre and the Citadel's ramparts and land 650 metres away, at a height of 103 metres. A journey of about 3-4 minutes that takes residents and tourists alike, floating between heaven and earth.
The city launched a public works concession that includes the design and operation of a cable car and a catering facility. We surrounded ourselves with specialists in the field: Poma for the cabins and Labellemontagne for the operation of the cable car. The concession contract runs for 30 years.
10/05/2021 - 14:30
Project Details
Citadelle de Namur, Namur, Namur, Belgium
Ville de Namur
Contraste et Pierre Maes
Special features
Construction period
1 year 6 months
Start work
End of work