Sterck Magazine gaat in zijn jongste editie op bezoek bij Aannemingen Van Wellen in Kapellen. Sinds de overname in 2014 ligt de focus van Van Wellen volledig op wegenbouw. Sterck Magazine sprak met algemeen directeur Jan van Wezel en Bjorn Audenaert, manager uitvoering. "Creatief en op een economische manier meedenken met de klant: dat is de kern van onze aanpak."
Willemen Infra is a leading, Belgian road construction company with a regional presence in both Flanders and Wallonia. An important asset is that we have all aspects of the construction process under our own management and thus fully control the execution. Moreover, our team of 1,000 well-trained and experienced employees are willing to work at night and over the weekend to make sure they get everything done in time. In addition, thanks to our own COPRO-certified production and recycling sites, we are one of the leading producers for asphalt and road concrete.